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YONEX NANOFLARE 1000 Play Badminton Racquet|4U 5G|Lightning Yellow|Smash Speed|Medium Stiff|AERO Frame|Explosive Sonic Flare System|Head Light| Developed by Japan
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YONEX NANOFLARE 1000 Play Badminton Racquet|4U 5G|Lightning Yellow|Smash Speed|Medium Stiff|AERO Frame|Explosive Sonic Flare System|Head Light| Developed by Japan
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YONEX NANOFLARE 1000 Play Badminton Racquet|4U 5G|Lightning Yellow|Smash Speed|Medium Stiff|AERO Frame|Explosive Sonic Flare System|Head Light| Developed by Japan
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YONEX NANOFLARE 1000 Play Badminton Racquet|4U 5G|Lightning Yellow|Smash Speed|Medium Stiff|AERO Frame|Explosive Sonic Flare System|Head Light| Developed by Japan
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YONEX NANOFLARE 1000 Play Badminton Racquet|4U 5G|Lightning Yellow|Smash Speed|Medium Stiff|AERO Frame|Explosive Sonic Flare System|Head Light| Developed by Japan
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YONEX NANOFLARE 1000 Play Badminton Racquet|4U 5G|Lightning Yellow|Smash Speed|Medium Stiff|AERO Frame|Explosive Sonic Flare System|Head Light| Developed by Japan

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About the Product

Product highlights

    NANOMETRIC DR:NANOMETRIC DR is a new carbon material developed by Yonex based on our unique NANOSCIENCE technology. Created from a material originally developed for next generation space aviation by Toray Industries, Inc., this marks the first time it has been used within the racquet industry. By combining firm shuttle hold and high repulsion, NANOMETRIC DR puts the DUORA into a class of its own.
    Compact Frame (Faster Swing):To balance the heavy racquet head, the frame has been made smaller to maintain the fast swing demanded by advanced players.By reducing the drag caused by air resistance, the head-heavy feeling is reduced and racquet handling speed is increased.
    Solid Feel Core (Cuts Vibration):The built-in solid feel core cuts harmful miscellaneous vibration at impact. Solid feel core is carried in all racquets manufactured in Japan.
    Sonic Flare System: Max Acceleration The revolutionary new graphite material TORAYCAR M40X and SUPER HMG provide unrivalled power and stability for maximum shuttle acceleration.
    Ultra PE Fiber: The shaft is constructed using ‘Ultra PEF’ – ultra poly ethylene fibre – which is light enough to float on water yet able to withstand immense forces. these characteristics allow for maximum shock absorption.
Sold By : Domventas

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