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Yonex Astrox 3DG ST Strung Badminton Racquet, 4U4 - Black/Blue
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Yonex Astrox 3DG ST Strung Badminton Racquet, 4U4 - Black/Blue
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Yonex Astrox 3DG ST Strung Badminton Racquet, 4U4 - Black/Blue
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Yonex Astrox 3DG ST Strung Badminton Racquet, 4U4 - Black/Blue
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Yonex Astrox 3DG ST Strung Badminton Racquet, 4U4 - Black/Blue

Regular price Sale price ₹ 5,429 ₹ 6,890 21% Off
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About the Product

Product highlights

    NANOMESH NEO: NANOMESH NEO redefines racquet tech with its robust yet flexible frame and advanced materials, delivering unmatched strength and durability. Its enhanced shaft flex boosts control and power, empowering players to dominate the court. Setting a new performance standard, balances strength, flexibility, and power for players aiming higher.
    AERO PLUS BOX FRAME: The AERO+BOX Frame offers unmatched performance, combining lightning-fast swing speeds with reassuring stability for precise, controlled play. It sets a new standard, empowering players to excel in every aspect of their game.
    ROTATIONAL GENERATOR SYSTEM: The Rotational Generator System redefines racket design with its counterbalanced weight distribution, strategically placed at the grip end, frame top, and joint. This innovation ensures optimal control, enabling seamless transitions between shots and empowering players with unmatched precision and agility on the court.
    CONTROL SUPPORT CAP: The Control Support CAP boosts racquet performance with its wider, flatter surface, optimizing grip for enhanced control during gameplay. This innovative design enables precise maneuverability and swift movements, empowering players to execute shots with confidence and maximum effectiveness in every rally.
    BUILT T JOINT: A built-in T-joint strengthens the connection between a racquet's frame and shaft, reducing head twists for better control and precision. This innovation enhances stability, durability, and performance by minimizing vibrations and maximizing power transfer during use.
Sold By : Domventas

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