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May 4, 2023


Yoga For Wellness

Most of us connect yoga with mindfulness and meditation. Yoga is all about taking things slowly and steadily, which is why nobody could ever consider it a weight loss strategy. That's not the case, though. Yoga can produce immediate results if it is practiced correctly and with perseverance. Along with improving your mental and physical wellness, it also burns calories swiftly.

Yoga, as opposed to diets and exercise, encourages a sense of fullness, freshness, and energising, which eventually enhances your mental health. 

So let's discuss a few yoga poses that will aid in speedy weight loss and body toning :

Plank position (phalakasana)

Procedure to do Plank position : 

  1. From downward-facing dog, shift your torso forward to parallel with the ground, aligning the shoulders over the wrists and the arms perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Spread your fingers and press firmly into the bases of your index fingers and thumbs. Draw your outer arms in as you firm and broaden your shoulder blades.
  3. Reach your chest forward and your heels back.
  4. Engage your legs and core to support the weight of your pelvis.
  5. Keep your gaze straight down so that the back of the neck is long and comfortable.
  6. Hold the pose for as long as is comfortable with smooth, easy breathing, working your way up to a 60-second hold.

Benefits of Practicing Phalakasana :

  1. Helps Build Body : Phalakasana is an excellent pose for building core muscle strength. It increases your stamina and enhances your metabolism by focussing on all four stomach muscles, i.e., abdomen, transverse abdominis, internal and external obliques. It also tones your core and abdominal muscles and reduces belly fat.

  2. Effective respiration :  This asana engages the muscles in your neck, shoulder, biceps, triceps, lower back, knee, hamstrings, calves, hips and quadriceps. It also exercises your chest muscles and improves the functioning of your respiratory system.

  3. Bone Health :  Regular practice of this asana creates new bone tissue. This strengthens your bones and makes them healthier.

  4. Boosts Energy :  It allows you to accumulate external and internal heat, which gives your body a boost of energy.

Bow pose (dhanurasana)

Procedure to do Bow pose : 

  1. Lie on your stomach with your feet apart, in line with your hips, and your arms by the side of your body.
  2. Fold your knees, take your hands backward, and hold your ankles.
  3. Breathe in, and lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and towards the back. 
  4. Look straight ahead with a smile on your face.
  5. Keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breath. Your body is now curved and as taut as a bow.
  6. Continue to take long, deep breaths as you relax in this pose. But, bend only as far as your body permits you to. Do not overdo the stretch.
  7. After 15 -20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring your legs and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax.

Benefits of practicing Dhanurasana :

  1. Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
  2. Stimulates the reproductive organs
  3. Opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders
  4. Tones the leg and arm muscles
  5. Adds greater flexibility to the back
  6. Alleviates stress and fatigue 
  7. Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation
  8. Helps people with renal (kidney) disorders

Three-pointed posture (trikonasana)

Procedure to do Three-pointed posture : 

  1. Stand straight with your legs apart. The distance between your legs should be a little more than the span of your shoulders.
  2. Inhale. Raise your right hand straight above your head. The right arm should be parallel to the right ear. 
  3. Exhale. Bend your torso at the waist, to your left side.
  4. Simultaneously, slide your left arm down along your left leg till your fingers are at your ankle.
  5. At this point, your right arm must be horizontal as your head is tilted left.
  6. Hold the pose with your knees and elbows straight. Hold the position for 30 seconds. 
  7. Inhale. Straighten yourself and stand erect. Repeat the posture on the other side.

Benefits of practicing Trikonasana :

  1. Increases stability :  Trikonasana activates your core muscles, which aids in balance and stability.
  2. Stretches and lengthens the spine : This pose can reduce stiffness in the spine and back, resulting in increased flexibility.
  3. Open the hips and shoulders : Trikonasana unlocks the hip flexors and shoulders, increasing mobility and reducing injury risk : Perform this pose on both sides to get equal benefits to the right hip and left hip.
  4. Stimulates your organs :  Trikonasana activates your core and upper body, which can stimulate your digestive organs, potentially improving your metabolism.
  5. Reduces stress :  Trikonasana can target the lower back, which is where some people carry their stress. This pose can help release that tension, resulting in reduced anxiety and a more stable emotional state.

Bridge posture (setu bandha sarvangasana)

Procedure to do Bridge posture : 

  1. To begin, lie on your back.
  2. Fold your knees and keep your feet hip distance apart on the floor, 10-12 inches from your pelvis, with knees and ankles in a straight line.
  3. Keep your arms beside your body, palms facing down.
  4. Inhaling, slowly lift your lower back, middle back and upper back off the floor; gently roll in the shoulders; touch the chest to the chin without bringing the chin down, supporting your weight with your shoulders, arms and feet. Feel your bottom firm up in this pose. Both the thighs are parallel to each other and to the floor.
  5. If you wish, you could interlace the fingers and push the hands on the floor to lift the torso a little more up, or you could support your back with your palms.
  6. Keep breathing easily.
  7. Hold the posture for a minute or two and exhale as you gently release this yoga pose.

Benefits of practicing Setu bandha sarvangasana : 

  1. Strengthens the back muscles
  2. Relieves the tired back instantaneously
  3. Gives a good stretch to the chest, neck and spine
  4. Calms the brain, reducing anxiety, stress and depression
  5. Opens up the lungs and reduces thyroid problems
  6. Helps improve digestion
  7. Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual pain
  8. Helpful in asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and sinusitis

The dog-facing-down position (Adho mukha svanasana)

Procedure to do the Dog-facing-down position : 

  1. Come onto your fours. Form a table such that your back forms the table top and your hands and feet from the legs of the table.
  2. As you breathe out, lift the hips up, straightening the knees and elbows, forming an inverted V-shape with the body. 
  3. Hands are shoulder width apart, feet are hip width apart and parallel to each other. Toes point straight ahead.
  4. Press your hands into the ground. Widen through the shoulder blades. Keep the neck lengthened by touching the ears to the inner arms. 
  5. Hold the downward dog pose and take long deep breaths. Look towards the navel.
  6. Exhale. Bend the knees, return to table pose. Relax.

Benefits of practicing Adho mukha svanasana

  1. This yoga pose leaves you energised and rejuvenates the body
  2. It lengthens the spine, strengthens the muscles of the chest and increases lung capacity.
  3. It brings strength throughout the body especially the arms, shoulders, legs, feet.
  4. Helps to tone muscles
  5. It increases circulation to the brain
  6. Calms the mind and helps relieve headache, insomnia and fatigue.


In conclusion, yoga is an incredible tool for promoting wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve flexibility, or enhance your overall health, the practice of yoga offers something for everyone. By cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness through your yoga practice, you can develop a deeper connection with your body and your inner self. So whether you're a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, make time for yoga in your life and see the benefits it can bring. Namaste!

Yoga For Wellness

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